Wednesday, September 19, 2007

dreaming... dreaming...

When you were dreaming...

some said that it is impossible...

but adidas said that impossible is nothing...

some said that it is not a right way...

some said that you should stay...

but nike told to just do it...

some said nothing...

but mother Theresa told to realize it...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Trying Drying Crying Frying...

Today ya jeng...
I was reminded about something
that I read prom an article that told me to try minimum 1 new thing eperyday
to make an asik lipe

Baru2 ini, I started to bless people with "hape an asik day!"
Nahhhh!! recently ya jeng...
I peel that my lipe in English class was rotten abis (basi banget maksudnya...)
Nahhhh!! masa I, who told people to hape an asik day, hape a boring lipe???

When I was going to memasukkan a check prom starhub as a present por my loyalty to starhub por 2 years using their serpise yg sebenernya adalah my money juga used as deposit.... I chose to deposit my check at plasing's dbs instead op punan's posb where is just sepelempar batu jauhnya.

Butt... bud... bath... bard... but...
I think it is more asik to do that, cause I did deposit hana's check at punan's posb bepore

Ant... end... and...
I thought to hape dipperent lunch, a meal that I hape neper tasted bepore...
... today my Thai buddy didn't with me jalan2 apter morning class because he is no longer with us in the morning class... he le
pt us... sedihnya... (he actually did sms me, but my sony ericsson which is always on silent mode... kusimpan dalam tas.... sorry brother...)

Hahahaha, pinally...
pound a place that sell rice that you can fill with anything, op course yg tersedia di situ lah yah...
I actually want to try this thing on Priday when I went to nopena square to hape dinner with Chan brothers. Luckily (even though the suitable word should be unluckily, but I try to ha
pe positipe thought dong), we pound that place apter we hape our dinner, jd ga makan lagi dong, I'm on diet gitu lohhhhh.
Porgot to draw money (I didn't draw a money pic loh)
prom ATM padahal I've been queuing halfway... tidak menyurutkan my one desire... my passion... my dream... to eat that thing...
pter kembali dari ambil duit... pighting for my lunch... and shock because it was so small....

I chose to ha
pe dipperent way back to peninsula plaza by taking bus (sebelomnya I took MRT)... and when I arriped at class... Ye, who is my Thai priend, was eating his BK's thing... jadi tetep makan bareng kaya hari2 sebelomnya... I just realised why my rice ball was so small, and that's because the rice dikepel-kepel, so my rice thing jadi padat berisi, it seems small but... made me bertahan ampe now!!! 9pm, yeah! (tukang jualan Chinese mixed rice d bawah rumah masih buka ngga ya??? laper jugaaa nih)

I had my
pinal test for IELTS class today... hope it is good... so kaga ketauan bonyok kalo his son and only spent his time at class for bobo siang, hehehehe. They should have known about my sleeping habit actually...

Went to di
pperent bus stop... took dipperent bus... then went to Pair Price at shaw plaza where I liped bepore to buyyyyyy.... the hardest Gatsby in pink hihihihi that Alex recommended, thanks to Alex saudara2... and one box of 16 kinds of peggies and pruitties juice as pengganti pruit yg jarang kumakan.

Ternyata... asik juga to do
things dipperently from what I do usually and try something new.

Hope you ha
pe an asik lipe too !!

nb: (it's not navaleo botak, hehehehe)
Why all v and f are changed to
As a man who was born in tanah sunda, I just try to melestarikan kebiasaan orang sunda yg ga bisa mempronounce letter v and f.... hahaha69

It made my nafsu lama for doing some new things that actually quite extreme and are not allowed by my mamah (actually) for me to do... rise from the death... hahahahaha (apakah itu? rahasia ahhhh)

makannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn time....

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

no more rubbish

A rubbish...
had no purpose in his life nor something to be proud of....
Lack of confidence...
Lack of determination...
Bad tempered...
Negative way of thinking...
Mathematics 5...
English 5...
Sports sampah juga...

God saw this rubbish...
gave him a short-term life purpose...
the change started...

A momentum...
a hard way...
yet he was just too idiot to take it positively...

Finally dawned on him...
emigrate to Singapore...

Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren...

A new and bigger movement of change...
Juventus promoted to serie A...
aimed for top 4...
released unused players...
recruited the best...
kept the good...
so did what happened to him...

He wanted the best...
he claimed it to God...
he put faith in it...
and he just need to do what he could do... to the best... and NEKAT!!!!