Tuesday, December 25, 2007

journey to the west...

it would be my last post this year...
3 months of study at RDI,
3 months of internship at PacAsia Pte Ltd (nganggurnya 2 bulan actually, hohoho(mentang2 natal)),
3 months of learning english at kem-jembathan language school (never ever take english course again, NO MAN!!(gaya aming d film 'quickie express'))(oiya belom ambil certificatenya siaahh...),
3 months of learning modeling (hohoho...) and part-time job as a tour guide, melayani 4 kloter indonesian tourists from singapore, hohohoho...

now my turn to b a tourist...
christmas day in 3 city, bandung-jakarta-denpasar...
then journey to the west mencari kitab suci, bali-malang-semarang-bandung...
horse satay i'm comin beibeh !!!! hohohoho...

buat kAlvon (alias Anton, hohoho): mobil 3Dnya ditunda mpe januari ye, hoho... (my target end of this year yg diucapkan pas makan2 d rumah koOmar stlh biblecamp 1)

buat cBom: akhirnya ivan makan batagor kingsley kemaren, enak tenan!!! (gaya tante2 cliennya piktor d film quickie express jg, hohoho...)

buat elisa: donmun-nya abis ivan pulang dr journey to the west ya... internet connectionkuw ini slow bgt, ga bisa ngirim... butuh menyedot wireless gratis d mall terdekat... hohohoho.

buat semuah: Merreh Christmas 2007 and Heppeh New Year 2008