Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mopping Twister

Just came back from mamihdodoldiamella's house...
she called me this morning,
a morning full of laziness,
asked me for helping her do an animation,
I said yes,
since I just had one thing to do,
booked a ticket to melb...
I had my visa already,
I had a room for me to stay already,
I just haven't got a ticket to go there,

Went to Istana Plaza,
for it's hotspot,
chatted with baplank, cLyd, nCu,
tried to book a ticket...
the page had been expired when I was about to continue ,
ceting melulu seh!

Arrived at dodol's haus
finding not only her, but her dog also...
and her teammates too actually,
industrial engineers to be,

Mopping Twister,
a project of designing a product,
2 buckets accompanied by a twister buat memerah pel,
thank God aloy tought his children autocad,
I just need to export it,
a simple animation, (udah mepet teuing sih, besok pagi dipresent)
hours of setting, 2 n a half to render... (not the red nose rudolf, hihihi)

First time met new papa, (mksdnya cowonya, hehe)
a fun guy,
looks like a boy in FA sabtu, whose name (of course) I forget,
bikers juga,
berlogat jawa dgn bahasa nyampur basa sunda...

Tried to book again,
failed coz I don't have VISA or mastercard,
yare yare...

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