Monday, December 10, 2007

livin in the Kingdom...

sang mamah woke me up at 9am,
she asked me to go to church (jadi sopir maksudnya...),
she wanted to hear ps. reza preaching...
"orangnya lucu," she said, a reason I got up, hahaha...

Ps. Reza Solihin: lucu abis, sunda abis, pinter abis juga
I didn't bring my bible since I had faith as big as biji strawberry that sang mamah would bring one, hehehehe...
but then I were told to take notes...
same message with last week,
put God in the first place...
but of course different story...

he said that Jesus preaches are all about Kingdom of Heaven...(belom research seh)
start with mat4:12-17 till acts1:1-5

udh jelas ayat hari ini pasti matthew 6:33
seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and he will provide u with all these other things...

ps. reza analogy:
seek first= membeli...
Kingdom of God= a house at Dago Pakar (rumah mewah nan mahal harusnya...)
all these things= bonus= payung cantik... (klo g tulis beautiful umbrella, rasanya pengen muntah ga seh? hihi)

many Christian focus on "payung cantik" rather than KoG... (may b me too...)
padahal... we wouldn't get tuh "payung cantik" at any cost, if we don't buy the house at Dago...

kotbahnya panjang seh, tp itu aja yg mo g ceritain... hiahahaha...

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